Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just so you know.

The roach is dead. Kati and I had a group effort killing spree last night. It took about 30 minutes. And there's probably a ton of roach guts in our napkin basket. But alas, he's gone. Thank you Lord, that thing was disgusting!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

really cool things creepin in your kitchen...

Likeeeeee big, huge, giant roaches!! Yeahhhh, we have them. And I'm not excited. Let me tell you the story...

Katy and I are studying in the living room and she gets up to make some Ramen. Then she screams. Then I JUMP up off the floor, where I am diligently studying for exercise physiology, and run to the kitchen.

She says, "sorry. There's a roach in here!"

I say, "It's ok. Gross..." But then I smile and tell her, "You should kill it."

So she goes to get get a tennis shoe and I let her know that it's best to just put both of them on your feet and stomp on the shady fellow scurryin around and if you miss, it's ok because then you can jump on him with your other foot (Good advice for any girl trying to kill a roach if you ask me).

She only had the one shoe but she did put it on. Then we stood there. And then she said "I can't do it!"

So i went and put on my tennis shoes and came back to the kitchen because I was gona git that sucka. Because he's gross. Unfortunately, right as I was working up enough courage to stomp his guts out, he crawled underneath the oven and has not come out since.

I banged on the oven, I turned on the oven, and I waited and waited. He did not come. But then we both had to leave, so he may actually be creepin around our apt, just waiting to attack us in the night! So yeah, I'm alittle worried.

What the heck roaches? Your kind is not welcome here. Please leave at our nearest convenience, which is right now.
Kati, Julie, and Katy.