Friday, February 26, 2010

the jammie shuffle

so, since most of my blogs tend to be deep-ish and contemplate-y things, i thought i'd just throw this one out there...because its hilarious. and i love it. soo. enjoy (:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ohhh me...

Sometimes I feel like I have noooo idea what to do...
ok actually I feel like that almost everyday, just not always in (what seem to be) huge hard situations.
I know that if I talk to God about it, he will work everything out because that's what he does. He is God and he's in control. Yet at the same time, I tend to feel like that's not enough. I'm the kind of kid that needs as in quite a bit of reassuring. So when I pray and I pray and I pray, and I still don't know what to do, I start getting really freaked out. Also, I get freaked out alot because I kind of tend to change my mind like every other second, based on what people's suggestions/reactions are.
This is horrible. I know. But I do it.
I base my decisions on what other people think because I have this great fear of being judged. I want to do what's right in everyone's eyes...which sucks, being that everyone has different eyes! But, even knowing this fact, I still try to do it, knowing in the end, someone will not agree with me, yet still thinking maybe somehow I can change their point of view.
I guess the moral of this story is that I should just not say anything until I have decided what the exact right thing is, so that way when I start telling people what that is, I won't go changing my mind 892 times. That would be swell.
But alas, I doubt this will ever happen because I just suck at making up/keeping my mind made.
So, in the mean time, I will keep praying that God uses me despite my insecurites, my indecisiveness, my confusedness, myself... I know He can use me in any circumstance, no matter how I got there, if I let him. Well guess what God? I will let you. So, have at it. And if you would like to tell me whats going down or how it's gona work, that would also be totally great. ya know, just if you want to.
Thanks. Have a great day. <3

Sunday, February 14, 2010


So, I'm sitting here listening to Justin Bieber (who knew that would ever happen?) putting off reading for Philosophy...but who really can blame me right? Philosophy is dumb.

Anyway. So this morning I woke up at the lovely hour of 4:15. Why, you might ask, would I ever do such a thing as this? Mehh. Because I ran a half marathon is all. No big deal... (: Actually it was super intense and pretty fun. I think though, that kinda like being a bad test taker, I'm also a bad racer...Because when Aubrey and I trained, during all the long runs I felt fine basically! I mean, yeah, I never went exactly 13.1 miles, but I went maybe 12.5 once and I was not dying or feeling like it was taking 89 years to run one little mile or having to peeeee...(luckily I made it :) Anyway, it seemed much harder than I was expecting. But at the same time, it was absolutely amazing. It's funny though because when I feel like something is too hard for me, but I know I can't quit, I just start whining alot and saying alot of bad things in my head...I totally did that today. I think I hit my "wall" or whatever around 10 miles and I was getting sooo annoyed! Haha. I was running by my friend Aubrey and I looked over at her, after what felt like at least 3 miles and said "we really aren't to mile 11 yet??!" I was pretty ticked. And then right after the mile 12 marker (or maybe before?) there was the hugesttt hill in America! I seriously almost died...and I seriously said "...rude!!" (: But I pushed it and I made it up the hill and finished the last mile strong! All in all, it was a fantastic run and I loved it alot.

It was pretty cool because at one point I just felt so stinkin tired and my legs were very sore and hurt-y and I told God that He was gona have to be the one to get me through it...and He totally did. (Duhhh. :) And not to make this into a story with a Bible application that can apply to your life but...It's very cool to think that God already knows what we're going to go through even though we don't and He is totally willing to be there every step of the way. And of course, not just while you happen to be running a half/full marathon, but in all the things that God places on your heart. Even sometimes when you don't know what He wants for your life. (Like say, what your'e going to do this summer...) God already knows the plans He has for you, and they are plans to prosper you, not harm you, and to give you a hope and a future. We will know His will when we seek him with all your heart. (Jer. 29:11, 13) Hello, cool!

Another cool verse that I recently stumbled across is this: "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have dont. The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you...Here I am, I have come. I desire to do your will, O my God. Your law is within my heart." Ps. 40:5a, 7-8. I just think its pretty great how God has the greatest stuff planned for us, but the only way we will know what it is, is to be patient and trust in Him to reveal his will to us in his own time. God is good yo. Don't forget it (:

Peace out for now. I come.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One to grow on.

Ahhh, my first official blog. this is gona be good for sure...

Here are my thoughts of the day:

1. Why do rich people buy ugly clothes and bad smelling perfumes? (I was just looking through's quite boring but I do it all the time. Jenna makes fun of me :)

2. I'm pretty glad we didn't talk about indians in Sunday School today...

3. I should be studying for something. anything. but noooo. that would be silly. they dont call me Julie Procrastinata Hagerup for nothing.

4. I should also call my brother because he called me on Friday but i was almost to work and my phone was dead all of saturday. I don't really love talking on the phone unless it is to someone that I never get to see. And i feel like it's kinda weird that I don't love talking on the phone because I am a girl. And I feel like if you're a girl that it's kind of a pre-requisit or something...

5. When I was running 12.something miles on Friday I ran past these apartments that totally reminded me of Brandon Oaks and it made me so happy! But it also made me miss everyone that I know there. Michelle and Haidi and Hector the most.

6. I love Everyday Sunday. ...Could you imagine if everyday was Sunday? that would be amazing!!

7. Why does God put certain people in your life for only a summer? Summer was great, but summer is gone, and next summer doesnt count because it's a different summer. I know God gave me these friends for a purpose, for me to grow, but I just want them in my life all the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, can everyone that I love please move somewhere are san marcos/austin area? k thanks! (:

8. There's this guy in my Sunday School class from North Carolina, and he says water like Brennan! It makes me very happy.

9. I'm still so excited that Danny De la garza let me have two slices of his pizza last night...right there at the cash register...for free!

10. I was jammin on Weston earlier. It was a total blast. I'm still not that great, but I love it, so that's good enough for me. And for my awesome great roommates anytime I'm in Arlington (:

11. When I was a young small child, my mom would always pack some fruit in my lunch (and when i was not so young...) and when we would have grapes she would give me the same number of grapes as my one to grow on. I think it worked, because I'm pretty tall!

Ok. It's superbowl party time. And guess what? I know how the super bowl got it's name. Because I am a cool kid. Duh (: