Sunday, February 7, 2010

One to grow on.

Ahhh, my first official blog. this is gona be good for sure...

Here are my thoughts of the day:

1. Why do rich people buy ugly clothes and bad smelling perfumes? (I was just looking through's quite boring but I do it all the time. Jenna makes fun of me :)

2. I'm pretty glad we didn't talk about indians in Sunday School today...

3. I should be studying for something. anything. but noooo. that would be silly. they dont call me Julie Procrastinata Hagerup for nothing.

4. I should also call my brother because he called me on Friday but i was almost to work and my phone was dead all of saturday. I don't really love talking on the phone unless it is to someone that I never get to see. And i feel like it's kinda weird that I don't love talking on the phone because I am a girl. And I feel like if you're a girl that it's kind of a pre-requisit or something...

5. When I was running 12.something miles on Friday I ran past these apartments that totally reminded me of Brandon Oaks and it made me so happy! But it also made me miss everyone that I know there. Michelle and Haidi and Hector the most.

6. I love Everyday Sunday. ...Could you imagine if everyday was Sunday? that would be amazing!!

7. Why does God put certain people in your life for only a summer? Summer was great, but summer is gone, and next summer doesnt count because it's a different summer. I know God gave me these friends for a purpose, for me to grow, but I just want them in my life all the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, can everyone that I love please move somewhere are san marcos/austin area? k thanks! (:

8. There's this guy in my Sunday School class from North Carolina, and he says water like Brennan! It makes me very happy.

9. I'm still so excited that Danny De la garza let me have two slices of his pizza last night...right there at the cash register...for free!

10. I was jammin on Weston earlier. It was a total blast. I'm still not that great, but I love it, so that's good enough for me. And for my awesome great roommates anytime I'm in Arlington (:

11. When I was a young small child, my mom would always pack some fruit in my lunch (and when i was not so young...) and when we would have grapes she would give me the same number of grapes as my one to grow on. I think it worked, because I'm pretty tall!

Ok. It's superbowl party time. And guess what? I know how the super bowl got it's name. Because I am a cool kid. Duh (:


  1. hey! you didn't tell me you started a blog! :) I'm excited. And the thing about the grapes is really funny. :) I laughed. out loud. :)

  2. so, it took me a little while to get the "Julie has a blog" memo, but I'm sure glad I did! hooray for shoutout..

    I totally thought to myself "right now, I should take a video message to Julie and post it to her facebook wall, and say 'water' in it.." but then I realized I don't have a webcam. boo! but I mean, when I get a new laptop for college, be on the lookout :)

  3. hahahaha. jenna and brennan, i definitely just saw these comments... lol
    i'm glad you laughed jen (:
    and brennan, GET ONE!!!! :D
    heyyy. jen and bren. thats cute.
