Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Ya ever get that?

Sometimes I don't like hearing truth...Sometimes I really do. And sometimes I love it and I hate it. It makes me think. For a really long time. [Like even when I'm trying to go to sleep...] It's challenging.

No wonder I don't like it. Hi, my name is Julie and I really love being comfortable.

Unfortunately for me, God does not call me, who He has chosen, to just be comfortable and do easy things. God calls me to be obedient to Him and to freakin not greive the Holy Spirit. [Ephesians 4:30] Awesome.

And sidenote, it's not actually unfortunate. The Lord disciplines those He loves [Hebrews 12:6] He's working on me because He loves me. He wants the best for me. And woodangyeah, because of Jesus, when the Father looks at me, He doesn't even see my gross sin, He sees Jesus covering it up. Holla for some propitiation...

Truth: I'm not called to be comfortable or do things halfway. I am called to share the gospel, serve the Lord, and bring glory to God in all the things I do.

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