Monday, June 20, 2011

Wait, you can put pictures on your blog?!

So, as it turns out, it's pretty great to put some pictures on your blog! I know everyone does the "Photo Friday" thing, but since it's Monday, and I just wana put some pictures on here (and I won't remember or be consistent enough to keep up with the Friday thing) so here they are now!

This is my best friend in america, Bizantium Joel Polcyn! She's the greatest and best and I love her alot. We're super different, but quite the same in alot of ways, including some very important and/or challenging aspects in our lives. So it makes me really happy that we can know exactly how the other one feels and experience the same thing at the same time, even if she does live alllll the way in Ohio... I'm so stinkin glad you came home to see me! (or your family...whatever ;)

And this is my mom and dad. They both love Jesus a whole lot and they're both wonderful. Last night my dad and I had a great little chat on the couch in the living room and I really loved it. He told me alot of things that I didn't even know before. And I just really love listening to his stories and life experiences. He's a stinkin GENIUS too! So that's always fun. And my mom and I get to hang out all week at VBS, which is a super blast. My mom's great because she actually reads my blogs haha. And because we also have lovely chats and go for walks and have more lovely chats. (Yep, I really love talking...)

[Side note. I also love my siblings really really alot and I could write about them all day long. But I don't have a picture of us all together on my computer so I will write about them a different time.]

And this is my buddy Nycole! She gets a shout out because she's great! And she's coming to see me in like 2 ish weeks and I'm supa stoked! We've also had some great talks (go figure) and I just really love this kid's heart and what God's doing in it. Yayaya for Nycole! Can't wait to see ya bud. Thanks for reading (:

And for anyone else out there who reads (this)...thanks. And stay tuned. My next blogs gona be about puppies!

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