Monday, December 27, 2010

the driveway.

Welp, it's almost 2011 that crazy to anyone else? I feel like when I was younger a year was suchhh a long time. When we would finally get to Christmas break again, my heart would be so dang happy. I remember the first day of Christmas break in first grade I think, and I was running around the living room (in circles) in some black courdoroy overalls...they were lovely. And the living room was lovely of course because it was finally Christmas! But anyway, I digress. Now a year seems to fly by, which can be both good and bad.

I just went for a run around downtown seguin and when I got home I opened the door to go inside, but then i closed it. without going in. I decided I needed some driveway time...

My driveway is super great. Well, I don't know if others, especially people outside of my immediate family, have the same appreciation for it, but to me, it is completely wonderful.

It's great in the daytime, but it's perfect at night. It doesn't mind if you're sweaty or crying. You can bring the couches out there and watch movies on the garage with your friends, or have your birthday party or wash your car. There's always basketball, if you're feeling ambitious...and if you bring the ball because we don't have one anymore...You can read boring papers for Mr. Simpsons class out there or play in the back of Drew's really old tiny truck, and even have scooter or bike races (again, if you have the scooter and/or bike)! My personal favorites are to play the guitar out there or just sit on the slanty part, or the bed of Jordans truck if there's too many scary bugs out there, and talk it up and stare at the stars.

I've seriously had some of the best talks in my whole entire life out there on the driveway: in person or on the phone, good or bad, easy or hard, I pretty much want to be on that driveway. My friend panda and I used to drive to sonic and drive around seguin for awhile, til we realized there was nothing to do, so then we would come back to my house and hang out on the driveway. I remember one night in particular, we just sat on the back of her car and talked about stuff going on in our lives. I think that's one of the first nights I realized that there was something beautiful about being totally genuine. Then I remember praying out there for a really long time. But it wasn't a bad long time, it was really good.
I've also talked on the phone to Brennan about coming to the good old 29020, which wasn't really a long one, just an exciting one. One time Little Sarah and Charles and I ate some delicious ice cream and chatted it up. I don't remember why we were outside, but it was pretty much a great idea. Also, one time Little Sarah and I sat in her car in my driveway (ok, maybe it was on the street, but it was close to it) and played a ridiculous theoretical what-if game...haha. And of course, some pretty awesome times with the bros and sis out there too, alot at night (which is the perfect time if you will recall)so that's fun.

Anyway, as I layed on the driveway today after my run, I couldn't help but think how much I loved it right there, exactly where I was. I thought about all the good times, I looked at the sky, and I hung out with God, and it was awesome. When life gets complicated, my driveway is the best. Please feel free to use it anytime...just ask. (:

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